Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What's Going On Right Now?

Hey everyone! First off, I just want to say thank you to my followers for being so nice and coming to comment even when I'm not here as much as I would like to be anymore, because I'm trying to balance my academics. I have a LOT of pressure on my hands right now, so that's why I won't be accepting review requests for a while.

Currently, I am reading:

Fallen (Fallen, #1)The House of Hades (The Heroes of Olympus, #4)Blythewood

I've been wanting to read this for a while, so when we had to find an independent reading book for English class, I'd picked this up. But damn it, should've just chosen House of Hades. So this book, not to be criticizing, but I really can't help but not like the writing style. I don't know, maybe it's just the main character. I can't tell. Protagonist = irritating, indecisive. This will probably end up being a 7/10. We'll see if it gets better. I'm halfway through.

House of Hades-
Disney Pub sent it to me waaaay after the release date, and it didn't help that my mom was stealing my packages? #ridiculous So this is delayed, sadly. I'm trying to keep up, though. This is so good so far. My bby Leo. AHHHH.

Maybe I should just drop this.. 

I've also promised to read The Librarian's Daughter by Melanie Gavillet BUT haven't gotten a chance to get to it. I will as soon as I can. Haven't forgotten about it.

For now, I can just forget about the "What I'll Be Reading Next". FOR NOW. Because a lot more things are important..
So, that's what's currently going on. I'm not dead, guys, despite the tumbleweed rolling around on my blog. Once again, thank you followers!

1 comment:

  1. I'm listening to Fallen on audiobook right now and I'm the same way, Luce annoys me a little but I'm hoping it gets better as I've heard good things about Fallen.


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