Guest Post:Some of the first stories my mom ever read to me were ones found in the Bible. I found each of them very interesting, but the ones that fascinated me the most were the stories about angels and demons. At a very young age I asked questions that most children wouldn’t even think of, “What made a soul worthy for either Heaven or Hell?” The whole concept of Hell terrified me. I couldn’t seem to understand why Lucifer: God’s most beloved angel, would rather rot in Hell than be celebrated in Heaven. It didn’t make sense to me. Neither did Hell. What exactly is it? Every description I was ever told didn’t explain much. There was no answer, but that Hell is a horrible pit of sorrow. Lucifer was a half-written villain to me that I couldn’t seem to understand. I began writing “The Blackwell Family Secret: The Guardians of Sin” as a way to give me the answers I sought out when I was that little boy. I wanted to convey the aspect of Good and Evil, and a boy who was heading down a wicked path, but journeying to find the light of God.