Monday, December 1, 2014

Book Review: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Goodreads Synopsis: The terrifyingly prophetic novel of a post-literate future. Guy Montag is a fireman. His job is to burn books, which are forbidden, being the source of all discord and unhappiness. Even so, Montag is unhappy; there is discord in his marriage. Are books hidden in his house? The Mechanical Hound of the Fire Department, armed with a lethal hypodermic, escorted by helicopters, is ready to track down those dissidents who defy society to preserve and read books. The classic dystopian novel of a post-literate future, Fahrenheit 451 stands alongside Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World as a prophetic account of Western civilization’s enslavement by the media, drugs and conformity. Bradbury’s powerful and poetic prose combines with uncanny insight into the potential of technology to create a novel which, decades on from first publication, still has the power to dazzle and shock.

Rate(1-10): 7.5

This book is about a futuristic, dystopian society in which books are illegal. I think that was the highlight and main point of the whole book, and the title is directly related to the job of the firemen-- to burn books at that temperature. This society is ignorant, and like many people say, the scary thing is that society might actually become like this one day.

This book was great. Bradbury has an amazing style of writing and once I read the first line I knew that it was going to be a good book. Bradbury makes his characters so unique, and what makes it amazing is that this book was written so long ago but he was able to predict the technology that would surface in future decades.

The descriptions that Bradbury used-- wow. He was truly an amazing writer.

The main character, Guy Montag, is a fireman-- which means that his job is to burn books. Houses are fireproof, so that means firemen aren't really today's firemen. They set fires instead of putting them out. He's got a wife at home named Mildred. I don't like her she's a bitch Their relationship is not strong at all, which really says something about married couples in their time. Ray Bradbury really delivers the message of technology trying so hard to bring people together, but actually doing the opposite.

The book started out really well, and I was hooked. Clarisse was my favorite character, but then after what happened to her, I kind of lost interest in the story. That's what made it a 7.5. I would recommend this to people, though, and I really hope that this book lasts for a really long time.

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