(Shatter Me #2)
Book Summary:
it's almost
time for war.
Juliette has escaped to Omega Point. It is a place for people like her—people with gifts—and it is also the headquarters of the rebel resistance.
She's finally free from The Reestablishment, free from their plan to use her as a weapon, and free to love Adam. But Juliette will never be free from her lethal touch.
Or from Warner, who wants Juliette more than she ever thought possible.
In this exhilarating sequel to Shatter Me, Juliette has to make life-changing decisions between what she wants and what she thinks is right. Decisions that might involve choosing between her heart—and Adam's life.
Liana's Summary: Juliette anticipates war. So does everyone else at Omega Point. She's grown closer to those at Omega Point, the one place that she can call home where everyone is like her, with abilities.. 'gifts'. She's finally free from Warner's grasp, but that doesn't mean he won't come back and try to find her. Still, she is cursed with her lethal touch, not being able to touch anyone-- except for Adam and Warner-- the boy she loves and the boy that tried to kill the boy she loves. Even if she can touch both of them, it doesn't mean that there won't be consequences. Consequences that, no matter how much she doesn't want to hear it, she will find out about.
Rate(1-10): 9
Alas, I finally got my hands on this book. Wow. Just wow. Woooooow. Well, if you haven't read the first book, go ahead and read this review, but I promise that most of it won't make sense at all. SO GO READ THE FIRST BOOK. JUST READ IT. JUST STOP DOING WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING AND FIND THE EBOOK ONLINE OR GO ON AMAZON AND ORDER IT OR RUN TO YOUR NEARBY BOOKSTORE AND JUST DEMAND THAT YOU BUY IT IMMEDIATELY AND CUT THAT LONG LINE OF PEOPLE AND GET TO THE VERY VERY FRONT AND PAY (OR NOT) AND RUN HOME AND READ IT So just read the first book.
So, first of all, the novella Destroy Me was really helpful. It let me look into Warner's soul and see that he wasn't such a bad guy after all. You don't have to read it, but it just gives you a sense of anticipation if you do.
Even if Warner didn't come in until the middle of the book, I still feel as if he's the most important character in the book (besides Juliette, of course). He has so much depth to him, it's just-- wow. If there's any reason to read this book, it'd be him. He's a character with DEPTH, like I said.
Warner basically makes the love triangle interesting. I'm sort of torn now, between Adam and Warner. I opened this book knowing that some people have already converted to Team Warner, and maybe that's influenced my thoughts the whole entire time. But nope, I definitely do NOT hate Warner anymore. Adam is a nice guy, except it's just that he's a reckless shithead sometimes. LOL.They're just both so HOTTTTT
I just need to dedicate a paragraph to Kenji. Even though he's not THAT much of an important character, I JUST LOVE KENJI. Best. Character. Ever. In the first book, I thought he was just some annoying perv, but now that I get to know him, he's AWESOME. Ohmygosh.
Juliette is a broken soul. There, I had to say it. The months in the asylum broke her, I think. And she's just..
Well, I have to say that it was partly because of Tahereh Mafi's writing style. It's just absolutely amazing I can't even. It has a ridiculously AWESOME voice that is a lot like that of Patrick Ness.. I swear, one of the BEST WRITERS EVER. Her writing is what gives Juliette her voice.
I don't know if it's a coincidence but this is the third book that I've read in a ROW where the dude is secretly whipped by his abusive father/caretaker. And then the girl just marvels over his scars blah blah blah. It's a little overused. Yep, just had to point that out..
I enjoyed this book greatly, but I have to say that the first book was much more interesting, since the plot developed very quickly at great amounts. Usually, the second books of series are just the 'preparing-for-war' books, and yes, Unravel Me was like that. There was tension on every single page and I loved it. But I wish that the plot had developed just a teeny bit more. There were a few twists, though, and those were just shocking.(Pretend I said that in Anderson's voice.)
The ending was totally unexpected-- it was sort of a cliffhanger, but then not really. I just can't wait for the next book! I'm eager for the next novella. CAN THE COVER AND TITLE REVEALS HAPPEN ALREADY GOSH
This series has so far been wonderful and I can't wait to see what happens next! Definitely a recommendation!
So, first of all, the novella Destroy Me was really helpful. It let me look into Warner's soul and see that he wasn't such a bad guy after all. You don't have to read it, but it just gives you a sense of anticipation if you do.
Even if Warner didn't come in until the middle of the book, I still feel as if he's the most important character in the book (besides Juliette, of course). He has so much depth to him, it's just-- wow. If there's any reason to read this book, it'd be him. He's a character with DEPTH, like I said.
Warner basically makes the love triangle interesting. I'm sort of torn now, between Adam and Warner. I opened this book knowing that some people have already converted to Team Warner, and maybe that's influenced my thoughts the whole entire time. But nope, I definitely do NOT hate Warner anymore. Adam is a nice guy, except it's just that he's a reckless shithead sometimes. LOL.
I just need to dedicate a paragraph to Kenji. Even though he's not THAT much of an important character, I JUST LOVE KENJI. Best. Character. Ever. In the first book, I thought he was just some annoying perv, but now that I get to know him, he's AWESOME. Ohmygosh.
Juliette is a broken soul. There, I had to say it. The months in the asylum broke her, I think. And she's just..
Well, I have to say that it was partly because of Tahereh Mafi's writing style. It's just absolutely amazing I can't even. It has a ridiculously AWESOME voice that is a lot like that of Patrick Ness.. I swear, one of the BEST WRITERS EVER. Her writing is what gives Juliette her voice.
I don't know if it's a coincidence but this is the third book that I've read in a ROW where the dude is secretly whipped by his abusive father/caretaker. And then the girl just marvels over his scars blah blah blah. It's a little overused. Yep, just had to point that out..
I enjoyed this book greatly, but I have to say that the first book was much more interesting, since the plot developed very quickly at great amounts. Usually, the second books of series are just the 'preparing-for-war' books, and yes, Unravel Me was like that. There was tension on every single page and I loved it. But I wish that the plot had developed just a teeny bit more. There were a few twists, though, and those were just shocking.(Pretend I said that in Anderson's voice.)
The ending was totally unexpected-- it was sort of a cliffhanger, but then not really. I just can't wait for the next book! I'm eager for the next novella. CAN THE COVER AND TITLE REVEALS HAPPEN ALREADY GOSH
This series has so far been wonderful and I can't wait to see what happens next! Definitely a recommendation!
"Warner is standing not 20 feet away from me."
"He has dimples."


"Someone closes a hand over my mouth."

"You came back for me,"

“I'm not blind, okay? On a purely physical level? Yeah, you're pretty sexy-- and that suit you have to wear all the time doesn't hurt. But even if you didn't have that 'I kill you if I touch you' thing going on, you are definitely not my type. And more importantly, I'm not some perverted asshole," he says. "I take my job seriously. I get real shit done in this world, and I like to think people respect me for it.”
And this is why I love Kenji
"And I'd really appreciate it if you'd grow the hell up and stop walking around like the world crapped on your only roll of toilet paper. Because it's stupid,”
No one needs to remind me how much I love Kenji
"Hey--good luck,"

"You," he says to me, his hands gripping me tighter now, "are one of the bravest, strongest people I've ever met. You have the best heart, the best intentions--"
