This was my first read-a-thon, and unfortunately, it was such a failure. Although I have to say it was kind of fun! This week was also the first week of school for me, so in all the chaos with getting organized and prepared and accustomed and trying to keep up with AP courses and trying to do homework, and trying to study, I've only been able to read two books this entire readathon, when my initial goal was 1000 pages. I'm looking forward to participating next year, and hopefully I'll be more accustomed to AP courses by then to not spend entire evenings and nights trying to figure things out, and be able to read at least a little.
Check out my progress post: http://bookaholic-ness.blogspot.com/2013/08/bout-of-books-80-goals.html
Glad you had a fun week, even if you didn't make your goals. There's always next time!