1. 52 Reasons to Hate My Father by Jessica Brody.
Since I did a blog tour for this about 6 months ago, I get my own copy for free! Yay! :D It looked pretty good and I got hooked by the synopsis! I heard there was a lot of character development-- and I love that!
2-5. Lord of the Rings series by JJR Tolkien.
This is one of those series that I finally decided to read because it was super popular. I know I'm a bit late, haha. Well. I can't wait to read it.
6. Breathe by Sarah Crossan.
It looked gorgeous, okay. The cover just totally sucked me in. The rating on Goodreads is pretty high too-- and when I saw this at the bookstore I just had to get it!
7. Paper Valentine by Brenna Yovanoff.
I met Brenna Yovanoff at a signing she was doing with Marie Lu, Andrea Cremer, and Jessica Khoury a few days ago. I decided to try a new genre- creepiness. Gosh, I'm a big wuss though. LOL.
8. Rise by Andrea Cremer.
I met her at the signing, too! I read NIGHTSHADE, and I decided to pick up a copy of the prequel!
9. The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff.
Another Brenna Yovanoff book.
10. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer.
YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG I WANTED TO READ THIS OMG IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL but I still have library books to finish. omg why
11. Personal Demons by Lisa Desrochers.
My friend said it was pretty good! Might as well give it a whirl. I got it for free, too.
12. Pretty Sly by Elisa Ludwig.
I had no idea this was a second book to a series.. now I have to find the first book. Okay.
13. Drain You by M. Beth Bloom.
I guess I got too excited. I might give this one away.
14. Bang by Lisa McMann.
I've been wanting to read CRASH, the first book of this series, for quite some time now. I saw this ARC copy of book 2. Hehe. It's supposed to come out this October, but I got an ARC anyway!
15. Belle Epoque by Elizabeth Ross.
(I got too excited again)
16. Endlessly by Kiersten White.
I've heard lots of great things about Kiersten White's PARANORMALCY series, and I guess I have to read the first two books, huh.
Well, yeah. That's it for now!
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