(Legend #2)
Book Summary: June and Day arrive in Vegas just as the unthinkable happens: the Elector Primo dies, and his son Anden takes his place. With the Republic edging closer to chaos, the two join a group of Patriot rebels eager to help Day rescue his brother and offer passage to the Colonies. They have only one request—June and Day must assassinate the new Elector.
It’s their chance to change the nation, to give voice to a people silenced for too long.
But as June realizes this Elector is nothing like his father, she’s haunted by the choice ahead. What if Anden is a new beginning? What if revolution must be more than loss and vengeance, anger and blood—what if the Patriots are wrong?
In this highly-anticipated sequel, Lu delivers a breathtaking thriller with high stakes and cinematic action.
Liana's Summary: When Day and June finally reach Vegas, they are faced with the demanding request to do one crazy thing. But can they accomplish it? Is it actually possible to accomplish? Is Anden really like his father? There's only one thing to do: follow their orders. It's the only way for Day to get what he wants. June knows that there's a chance that the Elector can be trusted, but, when she tells Day, he doesn't believe her, and has to find out the hard way that she's actually right. In the end, Day's horrific past revisits him and he is faced with the only thing left to do.
Rate(1-10): 10
This book was so freaking amazing. Oh my God. I have something to say to y'all. THIS BOOK WAS WORTH THE WAIT. I've been anticipating it for so long now..
The moment that I set my eyes on this book I knew I wasn't going to be disappointed. I mean, come on! Marie Lu! I loved her first book, so why shouldn't I love her second one? DANGIT, I JUST LOVED THIS BOOK SO MUCH. -sobs-
So basically, I've been anticipating this book for more than 5 months, I think. I can't believe I finished it already. So much waiting, so much torture and pain in waiting, and boom, just like that, 2 days, done. Wow. DID I MENTION I LOVED THIS BOOK SO MUCH. When it arrived in the mail I recorded a video of me tearing open the package. I filmed it for a friend but apparently other people found my video too and said my screams deafened their ears, LOL. I just couldn't stop laughing. I told them it was a releasing of my inner fangirl instincts especially considering how long I've been anticipating its release and arrival to my house.
So, in the first book, Day was super hot. I loved him. He was hilarious, mischievous, and cocky all at the same time and that just adds up to be super-hot-boy. Ughhhh. And then his hurrrrrr and his speed and agility and strength and tolerance ugh it just gets to you yaknow. I missed him a lot during my wait for this book to come out, so reading this book and the chapters in which he got to narrate was like quenching a crazy thirst after working so long and hard or peeing when you really need to pee. But I wasn't relieved, like when you relieve yourself of urine. I was filled with adrenaline and excitement because, hey! It's DAY! He used to be my fictional boyfriend but that was before I read the Cassandra Clare books, LOL. Day's narrating text is blue in this one. It's super hot. Text color is hot, what? omg I just think it's hot ok. I love how Day's narration is blue and June's narration is black because, like some other reviewers said, Day is just the boy version of June and June is basically the girl version of Day. If they weren't differentiated between color I probably would have gotten really irritated because I'm not very good at reading books with two narrators. Although it's really fun to write one..
Reading the first page of this book already sent a jolt through me because I realize how vain I was when I first read Legend and became obsessed with it. To be honest, I used a lot of ideas and concepts from this series to form my own world of dystopia. Out of all the books I've read in the past, I happened to remember Legend the best because of all the ideas I borrowed for the book I'm currently writing today. I realize that I'll have to add more touches of Liana than I already put in to make it something truly unique and amazing.
So the romance. I think many people knew how much I dreaded a love triangle. June and Day, Day and June, PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER. At first, I was like, AIN'T NOBODY GOIN' TO STEP IN AND RUIN THEIR HAPPINESS OK. But then, I started to have second thoughts. Maybe they aren't so perfect after all, but I really can't bear it if either of them ended up with other people. So my dreading of a love triangle was really in vain because it ended up as a love-pentagon. For all Legend readers and lovers, y'all know we all hate Thomas. Why can't we exclude him from this pentagon. Gosh. Love square?
June changed a lot. From the tough and rich and akjfa;jsklj prodigious smart girl she was into a desperate-for-Day's-attention-weakling-girl. I don't like the change because she's thinking about Day all the freaking time.
Actually, I don't even like Day or June that much. They're not really great characters. But Day is still hot and June is still smart. But really? They're not the type of characters that I usually like. The only characters I've ever liked are either unimportant or dead.
I wanted to finish this book so much that I stayed up at night and sacrificed my much-needed few hours of sleep to read. Meanwhile setting alarms on my phone to wake up later in the night so I don't get knocked out on the book completely. I earned myself eyebags. I read from a cellphone light for more than 4 hours under my bed covers, with the lack of air, meaning I sought air every miniute. My point is, I was really uncomfortable and I knew that I could be sleeping instead of reading, but I did know that I wanted to finish it up and write an amazing review for it because my blog misses me. But mainly because Marie Lu is just flipping amazing.
I was just so sick of the Dystopian genre that I wanted to take a break for a while, but when I read this I knew I couldn't put it down. It was a truly amazing, touching, sad (oh, yeeeeeah. I cried like 234839048320984 friggin times), and gorgeous read. I highly recommend this series to both girls and boys.
Quotes! (THEM FABULOUS QUOTES) Note: Quote may contain some spoilers. Semi-severe.
"You may pick up a new portrait from your local police headquarters."
Ugh they treat this dude like that North Korean leader
"..he falls onto his hands and collapses to the ground."

"Can you help me sit down?"
He needs help sitting down?! Poor Day. D:
"Day and Tess talk and laugh with the ease of two people who have known each other for years."

Okay they're apparently celebs now.
"I'd think that Tess was into me."

"..makes me want to cry."
"...a mechanical knee....."
"..notices me admiring her.."
Slap yo'self.
"I mean, I know how attached you are to her,.."
Wow, Tess is a really big bitch in this book.
"..about...her. Just in case you hadn't thought of things that way."

"It's an odd new relationship."

"Kaede cuts my hair.."


"The thought of Thomas putting his hands on June is more than I can bear."
"If he were alive."

"I actually want to break his neck with my bare hands."

"Metias was in love with you,"
That is phrased very awkwardly.
"..and his lips meet mine."

"It must be him."

"It takes me a long moment to process the fact that this boy is not Eden."

"By running for my life?"
Yeah, actually.
"Anden is falling right into the Patriots' trap."
I don't know if I should be happy or sad or mad about this.
"The Trials were once voluntary."

"..and presses her lips against mine."
"Then I wrench away."
"No way. Would the June I know be that sentimental?"
Dear, dear Day. Do you even know June?
"..dead in fifteen minutes--"
"I should kill him right now."
Yes. But yet you don't.
"But then I think of June."
"Can I live with that?"
"Good, bad--what does it matter? He's the Elector."

"And she feels like I betrayed her..for you."

"Say that to me again. I dare you."
You don't talk to her that way!
"Don't ever say that to my face again. Money means everything."
Ugh Day why are you so vain.
"You know, maybe Tess was right about you."

"Say no more."

"Sweetheart, would I ever lie to you?"
"Forever and ever, kid, until you're sick and tired of seeing me."

"Pilot, you are ordered to land on DesCon Nine immediately."
Ain't nobody got control over what Kaede does.
"I want a partner who has her.."

"..that you're dying."

"I came here to tell you to.."
"I, ah... have something else I should tell you too."
Yes you do.
"I should let you get some sleep. You must be tired."
ugh nooooooooo
And that's it, really! What did you think of this review? (;
Gosh now I want to read this series so bad! Wish I could find Legend anywhere in my town... Oh and anyway, nice gifs!
ReplyDelete-Kezia @ Pansycake Reader
Gimmee the book! LOL. You even put a kpop gif in it. Omg.
ReplyDeleteOh and also, can I help you improve something. Despite your awesome rants, you should talk just in teenee winee bit more of the book cuz I'm itching to know what it is about. And I should do that to my reviews too. LOL.