Chaos Walking #3.
Book Summary: "War," says the Mayor. "At last." Three armies march on New Prentisstown, each one intent on destroying the others. Todd and Viola are caught in the middle, with no chance of escape. As the battles commence, how can they hope to stop the fighting? How can there ever be peace when they're so hopelessly outnumbered? And if war makes monsters of men, what terrible choices await? But then a third voice breaks into the battle, one bent on revenge - the electrifying finale to the award-winning "Chaos Walking" trilogy, Monsters of Men is a heart-stopping novel about power, survival, and the devastating realities of war.
Liana's Summary: War is starting. Todd and Viola are still separated- she leaves him for 5 minutes and war is starting?! The main goal is to stop it- but, how? When the Mayor is striving for everything BUT peace, even if that's not what he says? It makes monsters of men. Absolute monsters. Patrick Ness rips out your soul in this award-winning trilogy.
Rate(1-10): 10....!!!!!!!!
I'm totally speechless now. Book 1 ripped out my soul, book 2 shredded it to pieces, and this conclusion ripped out my heart and stomped on it. My heart hurts. -clutch-
I am not being dramatic. This series seriously showers you with emotions of all sorts.
You'll want to cry, laugh, scream, glare, screech into the sea, and punch a wall.
Anyways, like I expected, this book is in 3 POVs. Just like Ally Condie's Matched Trilogy.
Book 1- Main character POV.
Book 2- Two main characters POV.
Book 3- Three main characters POV.
And no, I do not like POV #3. I'm going to keep their identity secret because then when you read this book you can find out for yourself and fall off your chair.
I'm literally shaking writing this review. Omg. I was already pumped up but then One Direction's new album got inserted into my head and now I'm listening it to it and I'm pumped up 2x which is major pumped up since I'm usually pumped up anyways WITHOUT listening to 1D and WITHOUT reading a heart-wrenching book.
This book is where all the puzzle pieces of book 1 and 2 all come together. Literally. Seriously.
Patrick Ness is freaking amazing. I love love love his writing. -Time to update my Top 10's.- He lives in London omg I wonder if he has a British accent.
Todd. Viola. Todd and Viola. There were traces of romance; finally. Took them long enough. I was smiling like a crazy maniac pedo. I was THAT happy. It was so freaking cute.
Viola changed a lot.
Todd changed as well, from book 1 to this conclusion. I love love love him. He always tells himself to shut up though. LOL.
I realize that they both shout each other's names a lot.
It's so freaking cute.
Now that I think about it, all the tittles of this series are super creative. I love love love this series. Did I say that yet.
I learned a lot from this book.
It's kind of strange- whenever an animal from a book dies, I just- my heart breaks. But in real life, all I feel is a pang of pity. That's all. See. Authors are powerful.
That moment when you think "All's well that ends well." And then the plot just takes a sharp turn like the Tiki Mouse ride in Great America-- and says, "NO. THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN INSTEAD." And everything's ruined. Ruined. -cries- The author has to do this to me.
My freaking emotions. UGH. What am I going to do with my life now. Do you know how long I stared at the last word of this book. Do you know how much I wanted to cry.
It's time for the beautiful quotes.
"..in one direction."

"Yeah," I say, looking right into her eyes. "It's Viola."
Ou girl. You tell her.
"My gun ain't loaded."


I can't take this specific interjection seriously anymore because that's what my friend says to me every time I need to urinate.
"..his big blue eyes reflected in the moons-light, the softness of the skin at the base of his neck--"
No please Viola get away from him
"Bloody hell.."
We gots a Ron Weasley here.
"..like I'm blushing all over.."

"They're gone--"

"..never ever,"
"Mine to kill..."

"she says I have all her love..."

Took them long enough.
"He's taken all the credit!" Mistress Coyle shouts; stomping around the heading room of the scout ship as we fly back..
Someone kill her.
"You've redeemed me, Todd Hewitt."

"I see how much he loves me.."

"And I kiss him.."

"And Acorn collapses beneath me."
Don't be shy. This series won't bite. -sike- Seriously though. If you want to be showered with emotions then please, please, read this series. It CANNOT be missed!
I am thankful for GIFs.
What did you think of this review? (:
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