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Are you and the main character, Juliet, alike in any way?
Juliet and I are both very curious about the world, but in different ways. I’ve never cared much for science or medicine like she does, and have always been more interested in culture and art and languages. I’m also not nearly as tough as she is. And I come from a really caring family!
How did you come up with the title,The Madman's Daughter?
I went through a few different title possibilities: The Moreau Horrors, The Madman’s Island, The Strange Case of Juliet Moreau. But something just felt right with The Madman’s Daughter, and my publisher agreed—they kept my working title, which they don’t always do. It fit well with one of the main themes in the book: Juliet’s relationship with her father.
If you'd like to share, how far are you in writing the rest of the series?
The second book, which finds Juliet back in London, is finished and is currently being copyedited. It’s inspired by some of the themes & science in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I’m currently about halfway through drafting the third book, which is inspired by Frankenstein.
What was the most difficult thing about writing the book?
The gruesome surgical scenes were extremely difficult to write. I’ve always been a big animal lover, and to imagine someone doing something so cruel made me feel sick to my stomach. But I think, as a writer, it’s our job to make people feel certain emotions—in this case, fear and disgust. So if I couldn’t make myself feel those things while writing it, I knew my readers wouldn’t feel it either.
Do you, personally, like Montgomery or Edward better?
I’ve always liked Montgomery. I love how perfect he seems on the outside, but how flawed and secretive he is on the inside. Although I also have a soft spot in my heart for Edward, because he’s been dealt a difficult hand in life, and instead of becoming a cruel person, he’s tried his best to do what’s right.
How long did it take to write The Madman's Daughter?
It took nine months to write the first draft. I had a full time job at the time, so I was writing evenings and weekends. Once it sold to my editor, it took about three more months of editing to reach the final version.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
Don’t aim for quick success. Aim for lasting success, and that always takes time. Almost always, the first book you write isn’t going to be “the one.” (though you make think it is at the time). And often, your second, third, sixth, tenth won’t be “the one” either. Stick with it! No writing time is wasted; even those books that don’t get published are incredibly valuable to teach you how to write better.
That's it! Thank you Megan! (:
Definitely looking forward to reading the rest of the series!
You have so many author interviews. How do you find the authors? And btw you should text back the answer. Lol. Cuz i dont get notified when this is answered. <3 u